Business Survey

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The Avondale EDGE team is doing a temperature check! No, not the weather We want to know how business is going?! What’s working well? What challenges are you facing?
How can we help?!
Your business is important to us. Please take a moment to answer a few quick questions (3 minutes tops!) that will help us determine how best to serve you, help you meet your business needs, and identify the latest market trends.
Thank you for your feedback!
The Avondale EDGE team is doing a temperature check! No, not the weather We want to know how business is going?! What’s working well? What challenges are you facing?
How can we help?!
Your business is important to us. Please take a moment to answer a few quick questions (3 minutes tops!) that will help us determine how best to serve you, help you meet your business needs, and identify the latest market trends.
Thank you for your feedback!
Page last updated: 07 Sep 2023, 04:33 PM