Homelessness Resolution Community Discussion

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Consultation has concluded

The city's goal is to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring by providing leadership, coordination, planning, and mobilization of a robust array of human services.

Learn more about the action the city is providing on Homelessness & Human Services.

For information on homeless services, please contact the SONAR Team (Street Outreach Navigation And Resources).

Please use AviWise Services use to report homelessness activity. This can include everything from a grouping of people in tents to a single individual with a tarp or mat. Please select Homelessness Services as the type of issue.

Dear Avondale community leaders, business community, and residents:

This is an invitation to the upcoming Homelessness Solutions Symposium hosted by the City of Avondale. This event is scheduled for February 28, 2024, at the Avondale Visitor & Conference Center, located at 11490 W Civic Center Drive, Avondale, from 4 pm to 7 pm. The Symposium will bring together key stakeholders, local businesses, community leaders, experts, and individuals directly impacted by homelessness. Our goal is to foster collaborative efforts and work towards impactful solutions to address homelessness in our community.

The agenda includes presentations from the City’s SONAR (Street Outreach Navigation And Resources) program, updates from community partners, and insights from the consultant team at Public Works, LLC, currently assisting the City in developing a 5-year Strategic Plan for Homelessness Resolution. The symposium will provide a platform for you to contribute to strategic efforts to address homelessness.

Enjoy complimentary food and refreshments, and a chance to win door prizes. To secure your spot at the Avondale Symposium on Homelessness Solutions, registration is required. Please register at AvondaleHomelessnessSymposium.eventbrite.com. Given the limited space, we encourage early registration.

We sincerely hope you can join us and that you’ll share the information with others who may want to attend. We hope to see you there - your involvement will make a positive impact on our community!

The city's goal is to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring by providing leadership, coordination, planning, and mobilization of a robust array of human services.

Learn more about the action the city is providing on Homelessness & Human Services.

For information on homeless services, please contact the SONAR Team (Street Outreach Navigation And Resources).

Please use AviWise Services use to report homelessness activity. This can include everything from a grouping of people in tents to a single individual with a tarp or mat. Please select Homelessness Services as the type of issue.

Dear Avondale community leaders, business community, and residents:

This is an invitation to the upcoming Homelessness Solutions Symposium hosted by the City of Avondale. This event is scheduled for February 28, 2024, at the Avondale Visitor & Conference Center, located at 11490 W Civic Center Drive, Avondale, from 4 pm to 7 pm. The Symposium will bring together key stakeholders, local businesses, community leaders, experts, and individuals directly impacted by homelessness. Our goal is to foster collaborative efforts and work towards impactful solutions to address homelessness in our community.

The agenda includes presentations from the City’s SONAR (Street Outreach Navigation And Resources) program, updates from community partners, and insights from the consultant team at Public Works, LLC, currently assisting the City in developing a 5-year Strategic Plan for Homelessness Resolution. The symposium will provide a platform for you to contribute to strategic efforts to address homelessness.

Enjoy complimentary food and refreshments, and a chance to win door prizes. To secure your spot at the Avondale Symposium on Homelessness Solutions, registration is required. Please register at AvondaleHomelessnessSymposium.eventbrite.com. Given the limited space, we encourage early registration.

We sincerely hope you can join us and that you’ll share the information with others who may want to attend. We hope to see you there - your involvement will make a positive impact on our community!

Consultation has concluded
  • Homelessness Solutions Symposium

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    The City of Avondale will hold a Homelessness Solutions Symposium in February, bringing together key stakeholders, local businesses, community leaders, experts, and those directly impacted by homelessness. This symposium aims to establish a platform for open dialogue and knowledge exchange, fostering collaborative efforts towards meaningful solutions.

    Scheduled for February 28, 2024, at the Avondale Visitor & Conference Center (11490 W Civic Center Drive, Avondale) from 4 pm to 7 pm, the symposium will feature presentations from the City’s SONAR (Street Outreach Navigation And Resources) program, along with community partners, to provide updates and facilitate the exchange of innovative ideas. Joining this event will be the consultant team from Public Works, LLC, currently working with the City on developing a Strategic Plan for Homelessness Resolution. The Strategic Plan on Homelessness Resolution will provide a roadmap for the city-wide response to housing insecurity, homelessness, and resource needs over the next 5 years.

    "We believe that by bringing together diverse perspectives, expertise, and experiences we can generate effective and sustainable solutions to address homelessness in our community," said Brian Planty, Homeless Services Manager at the City of Avondale.

    The symposium aims to encourage active participation and engagement, providing a platform for attendees to contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding homelessness issues. There will be food and refreshments, and a chance to win door prizes, for attending participants.

    "We recognize the importance of collaboration in addressing homelessness. This symposium is a crucial step towards building a collective understanding and commitment to finding lasting solutions," said Christopher Lopez, Neighborhood Family Services Director for the City of Avondale.

    To attend the Avondale Symposium on Homelessness Solutions, registration is required. Interested individuals can register at AvondaleHomelessnessSymposium.eventbrite.com(External link). Space is limited, so early registration is encouraged.

  • Homelessness Resolution Survey

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    Avondale Strategic Plan for Homelessness Resolution: Survey open for resident input

    The City of Avondale's Neighborhood and Family Services Department has embarked on a significant initiative to address homelessness within the community. Avondale has partnered with Public Works LLC, a respected public policy consulting firm, to lead a strategic planning process aimed at realizing the City’s vision and mission: To make any experience of homelessness in the City of Avondale rare, brief, and non-recurring.

    “This strategic planning process takes a comprehensive approach to gain deeper insights into the housing and service needs, challenges, and priorities of our community,” said Chris Lopez, Avondale Neighborhood Family Services director. “The primary objective is to inform the City Council, leadership, and staff about effective strategies to meet the growing demand for affordable housing, appropriate services, and resources tailored to the unique needs of our community.”

    “The insights gathered through these surveys will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our community and contribute to our mission of making homelessness a rare, brief, and non-recurring experience,” Lopez added.

    To ensure that this strategic plan is well-informed and reflects the diverse perspectives of the community, residents are invited to participate in this vital endeavor. Tailored surveys have been developed to capture the needs and viewpoints of both housed and unhoused individuals, as well as those at risk of homelessness.

    Residents are asked to take a moment to complete the survey that aligns with their situation:

    Community Member and Neighborhood Association Survey

    English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AvondaleCMNA

    Spanish: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AvondaleSCNA

    Lived Experience (for those currently experiencing homelessness)

    English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AvondaleLES

    Spanish: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AvondaleLESS

    All responses from participants will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. For more information on homelessness, please contact the Avondale SONAR Team.