What is the budget for the project?

    The total project budget including design, construction, and permitting is $2,050,000.

    Will this project hurt the fish that live in the lakes?

    The City of Avondale's Aquaculture program raises Tilapia to sustainably and cost-effectively control algae in the Crystal Gardens Wetlands. City staff raise approximately 6,000 fish annually in a fish hatchery and release them into the wetlands. The hatchery utilizes a recirculating closed loop system to conserve water. Since the launch of the program, the City has not needed to use any chemical applications in the Crystal Gardens Wetlands Treatment Facility.   

    All care will be taken to protect the tilapia and to enhance their habitat.

    Will this affect the trails?

    Yes, unfortunately, there may be temporary impacts to trails. The contractor and city will communicate these impacts in advance of the work.