How will I know when my street is scheduled?

    Generally speaking, mailers go out to affected areas as preparatory work begins (i.e., crack seal and concrete/asphalt repairs), and this is followed by door hangers for surface seal applications. We will also post updates here on Connect and on social media.

    What if trash or bulk trash pick-up is scheduled the same day?

    The city will generally not schedule preventative maintenance activities the same week as bulk trash. For regular, weekly trash and recycling services, please have your bins on the curb by 7am and the contractors will ensure access to the solid waste trucks.

    What about on-street parking?

    On-street parking will not be permitted during the application and “No Parking” signs will be posted a day or more in advance of the work to ensure vehicles are off the street for the application to take place.

    Can I get out of my garage/driveway?

    The door hanger you will receive will provide specific information, and please be sure not to drive through barricades or traffic cones as they protect the contractor’s work area.

    What happens if work does not take place or is delayed?

    In some cases, such as inclement weather (rain) or materials/scheduling issues, work may need to be adjusted. Unless your notification says otherwise, work will be moved to the next possible working day and you may or may not be notified again. Please keep the information you receive until the work in your area has been completed.