What comments do you have on the Major General Plan Amendment and Rezone of Hermosa Ranch Technology Campus - North?

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

This is a PROPOSED project. No decisions have been made yet by the public hearing boards. Feedback is encouraged on this Avondale Connect citizen feedback platform. Your input is valuable!

Request: Major General Plan Amendment (PL-23-0299) and Rezone (PL-23-0300) on approximately 239 acres.

Location: Southwest Corner of Avondale Boulevard and Lower Buckeye Road

Major General Plan Amendment: Amend the General Plan designation from Medium Density Residential, Estate/Low Density Residential, and Local Commercial to Business Park and Local Commercial

Rezone: Change the zoning from Agricultural (AG), Fleming Farms Planned Area Development (PAD), and Diamond P Ranch PAD, to Hermosa Ranch Technology Campus – North Planned Area Development to allow for a Data Center, Technology Campus, and Local Commercial center.

Grocery/Retail Uses. The City’s economic development department is consistently working with developers and business decision-makers to recruit new retail, restaurants, and future grocers into the community. South Avondale specifically is a high priority for the team and new residential is creating heightened demand for retail (including grocers) and restaurants. This proposed project will help progress those efforts twofold. The southwest corner of Lower Buckeye and Avondale will be set aside for retail and restaurants. The proposed project itself will help increase daytime population density with higher-wage jobs, which is very appealing to restaurants and retail dependent upon work-week lunch crowds and shoppers.

Water Usage. The proposed data center will use turbo air-cooled chillers and a closed water loop cooling system. This technology greatly reduces water demand compared to other data center cooling technology that uses water cooled chillers which consume and discharge a tremendous amount of water. In the case of the Hermosa Ranch Tech Campus North, this project will use considerably less water than the residential development currently anticipated for the site per the City’s General Plan.

PURSUANT TO ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES SECTIONS 9-461.06E and 9-462.04 et seq., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission and City Council will be holding separate public hearings at the dates and times set forth below, in the place specified below, at which times and place all interested persons will have an opportunity to appear and be heard in relation to the following request(s):

January 30, 2024, 6:00 PM
Avondale City Hall
Sonoran Conference Room 1st Floor
11465 W. Civic Center Dr.
Avondale, AZ 85323
Hearing #1 (GPA Only)
March 20, 2024, 6:00 PM
Avondale Resource Center
Agua Fria Room
995 E. Riley Drive
Avondale, AZ 85323

April 17, 2024, 6:00 PM
Avondale City Hall
Council Chambers
11465 W. Civic Center Drive
Avondale, AZ 85323
May 6, 2024, 5:30 PM
Avondale City Hall
Council Chambers
11465 W. Civic Center Drive
Avondale, AZ 85323

Caleb Weeks
(602) 888-7871
Joshua Orton
(623) 333-4030

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