Avondale General Plan Update PL-23-0260

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The General Plan has been updated!

Avondale General Plan City Council Meeting

City Council held a public hearing on November 4, 2023 and adopted Resolution 1080-1223 for a Major General Plan Amendment to update the Avondale General Plan 2030, application PL-23-0260. The updated version of the Avondale General Plan 2030 is an amended version of the Avondale General Plan 2030 which was ratified by the Avondale voters on August 2, 2022. The amended Avondale General Plan 2030 includes universal updates to reflect current City adopted plans, dates, datasets, maps, and terminology.

The Avondale General Plan 2030 is the city’s long-term vision plan guiding Avondale's growth and development. A Major General Plan Amendment update is in process for the city to update data, maps, text, and the like to have current references in the document.
The City Council public meeting will consider the adoption of the proposed Avondale General Plan 2030 amendment updates and take public comment at the following meeting.

Avondale City Council Public Hearing
Monday, December 4, 2023
6:00 PM
City Hall Council Chambers

Avondale General Plan Planning Commission Meeting

NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that the City of Avondale Planning and Zoning Commission will a hold public hearing pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-461.06E to take public comment on the proposed major general plan amendment to the Avondale General Plan 2030. The General Plan is a policy document and guide for the development of the City of Avondale. This major general plan amendment, if adopted by the City Council, will update the current City of Avondale General Plan 2030. The date, place, and location of the public hearing is as follows:

Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing #2

Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Location: Avondale City Hall Council Chambers

11465 W. Civic Center Drive

Avondale, AZ 85323

The proposed major general plan amendment to the Avondale General Plan 2030 includes updates to the figures and text with more current technical data and supporting information that has recently become available. In addition to updating data and text of the General Plan as needed, this major general plan amendment is proposing changes to select parcels’ land use designations. Other conforming amendments may be considered and the above may be revised as a result of public comment during the public hearing process.

Avondale General Plan 2030 60-Day Review HAS CONCLUDED

Avondale’s General Plan 2030 60-Day Review has concluded:

July 25, 2023 – September 22, 2023

Download the City of Avondale General Plan 2030 60-Day Review Draft from the Documents section in the upper right portion of this page on Avondale Connect and leave comments in the public feedback survey at the bottom of this page.

About the Avondale General Plan 2030 Update

What is the purpose of the General Plan?

The Avondale General Plan serves as a strategic roadmap that charts the anticipated growth and development of the City for the next two decades. It is composed of a central vision, accompanied by objectives, diverse policies, and intricate maps, which collectively facilitate the effective execution of the plan. Essentially, the General Plan functions as a framework that guides forthcoming social, economic, and developmental choices.

Why update the General Plan now?

In accordance with the Arizona Revised Statutes, municipalities are obligated to update and have their General Plan validated by voters every 10 years. Avondale residents last ratified the General Plan in the August 2022 election. Following this most recent ratification process, more current technical data (i.e. census data, regional plans, City master plans) has been made available. Consistent with best practices, the City of Avondale is seeking to keep the General Plan current by incorporating applicable data and supporting information as part of this update process.

What topics does the General Plan address?

State legislation prescribes certain “elements,” or subjects, that must be included in a General Plan. For a community of Avondale’s size, the following elements must be covered in the General Plan in accordance with state law:

  • Land Use
  • Growth Areas
  • Cost of Development
  • Housing
  • Rehabilitation
  • Redevelopment & Revitalization
  • Neighborhood Preservation
  • Energy
  • Environmental Planning
  • Conservation
  • Open Space
  • Circulation
  • Public Buildings
  • Public Services & Facilities
  • Safety
  • Water Resources

The City of Avondale may also include additional elective elements in the General Plan that cover topics such as:

  • Economic Vitality
  • Environmental Planning
  • Conservation
  • Open Space
  • Circulation
  • Public Buildings
  • Public Services & Facilities
  • Safety
  • Water Resources

The City of Avondale may also include additional elective elements in the General Plan that cover topics such as:

  • Urban Design
  • Arts & Heritage
  • Public Participation

What is the schedule and process for the General Plan Update?

Project Kickoff
August 2022
Joint City Council-Planning Commission Work Session #1
November 7, 2022
Existing Conditions Memo
January 2023
TAC Meeting #1
January 24, 2023
External Stakeholder Meeting
February 2, 2023
Community Workshop Session #1
April 18, 2023
Drafting of General Plan Updates
April - June 2023
City Council & Planning Commission Work Sessions #2
July 2023
60-Day Review of Draft General Plan
August - September 2023
Community Workshop Session #2
August 23, 2023
Finalize Draft General Plan
October 2023
Planning Commission Hearings for Recommendation of General Plan
October 25, 2023 and November 15, 2023 at 6PM
City Council Hearing for Final Approval of General Plan
December 4, 2023 at 6PM

Please refer to the document to learn more about the existing conditions, vision & principles, and organization of the General Plan.

Be sure to answer the questions below to help Planning with the priorities. Let us know what matters most to you. These priorities provide a more targeted and explicit approach compared to the wide-ranging values and strategies found in the existing General Plan. This can aid in shaping future objectives, policies, and land use choices.

Avondale General Plan City Council Meeting

City Council held a public hearing on November 4, 2023 and adopted Resolution 1080-1223 for a Major General Plan Amendment to update the Avondale General Plan 2030, application PL-23-0260. The updated version of the Avondale General Plan 2030 is an amended version of the Avondale General Plan 2030 which was ratified by the Avondale voters on August 2, 2022. The amended Avondale General Plan 2030 includes universal updates to reflect current City adopted plans, dates, datasets, maps, and terminology.

The Avondale General Plan 2030 is the city’s long-term vision plan guiding Avondale's growth and development. A Major General Plan Amendment update is in process for the city to update data, maps, text, and the like to have current references in the document.
The City Council public meeting will consider the adoption of the proposed Avondale General Plan 2030 amendment updates and take public comment at the following meeting.

Avondale City Council Public Hearing
Monday, December 4, 2023
6:00 PM
City Hall Council Chambers

Avondale General Plan Planning Commission Meeting

NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that the City of Avondale Planning and Zoning Commission will a hold public hearing pursuant to A.R.S. § 9-461.06E to take public comment on the proposed major general plan amendment to the Avondale General Plan 2030. The General Plan is a policy document and guide for the development of the City of Avondale. This major general plan amendment, if adopted by the City Council, will update the current City of Avondale General Plan 2030. The date, place, and location of the public hearing is as follows:

Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing #2

Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Location: Avondale City Hall Council Chambers

11465 W. Civic Center Drive

Avondale, AZ 85323

The proposed major general plan amendment to the Avondale General Plan 2030 includes updates to the figures and text with more current technical data and supporting information that has recently become available. In addition to updating data and text of the General Plan as needed, this major general plan amendment is proposing changes to select parcels’ land use designations. Other conforming amendments may be considered and the above may be revised as a result of public comment during the public hearing process.

Avondale General Plan 2030 60-Day Review HAS CONCLUDED

Avondale’s General Plan 2030 60-Day Review has concluded:

July 25, 2023 – September 22, 2023

Download the City of Avondale General Plan 2030 60-Day Review Draft from the Documents section in the upper right portion of this page on Avondale Connect and leave comments in the public feedback survey at the bottom of this page.

About the Avondale General Plan 2030 Update

What is the purpose of the General Plan?

The Avondale General Plan serves as a strategic roadmap that charts the anticipated growth and development of the City for the next two decades. It is composed of a central vision, accompanied by objectives, diverse policies, and intricate maps, which collectively facilitate the effective execution of the plan. Essentially, the General Plan functions as a framework that guides forthcoming social, economic, and developmental choices.

Why update the General Plan now?

In accordance with the Arizona Revised Statutes, municipalities are obligated to update and have their General Plan validated by voters every 10 years. Avondale residents last ratified the General Plan in the August 2022 election. Following this most recent ratification process, more current technical data (i.e. census data, regional plans, City master plans) has been made available. Consistent with best practices, the City of Avondale is seeking to keep the General Plan current by incorporating applicable data and supporting information as part of this update process.

What topics does the General Plan address?

State legislation prescribes certain “elements,” or subjects, that must be included in a General Plan. For a community of Avondale’s size, the following elements must be covered in the General Plan in accordance with state law:

  • Land Use
  • Growth Areas
  • Cost of Development
  • Housing
  • Rehabilitation
  • Redevelopment & Revitalization
  • Neighborhood Preservation
  • Energy
  • Environmental Planning
  • Conservation
  • Open Space
  • Circulation
  • Public Buildings
  • Public Services & Facilities
  • Safety
  • Water Resources

The City of Avondale may also include additional elective elements in the General Plan that cover topics such as:

  • Economic Vitality
  • Environmental Planning
  • Conservation
  • Open Space
  • Circulation
  • Public Buildings
  • Public Services & Facilities
  • Safety
  • Water Resources

The City of Avondale may also include additional elective elements in the General Plan that cover topics such as:

  • Urban Design
  • Arts & Heritage
  • Public Participation

What is the schedule and process for the General Plan Update?

Project Kickoff
August 2022
Joint City Council-Planning Commission Work Session #1
November 7, 2022
Existing Conditions Memo
January 2023
TAC Meeting #1
January 24, 2023
External Stakeholder Meeting
February 2, 2023
Community Workshop Session #1
April 18, 2023
Drafting of General Plan Updates
April - June 2023
City Council & Planning Commission Work Sessions #2
July 2023
60-Day Review of Draft General Plan
August - September 2023
Community Workshop Session #2
August 23, 2023
Finalize Draft General Plan
October 2023
Planning Commission Hearings for Recommendation of General Plan
October 25, 2023 and November 15, 2023 at 6PM
City Council Hearing for Final Approval of General Plan
December 4, 2023 at 6PM

Please refer to the document to learn more about the existing conditions, vision & principles, and organization of the General Plan.

Be sure to answer the questions below to help Planning with the priorities. Let us know what matters most to you. These priorities provide a more targeted and explicit approach compared to the wide-ranging values and strategies found in the existing General Plan. This can aid in shaping future objectives, policies, and land use choices.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Review Comment Instructions

    60-Day Review Period: July 25, 2023 - September 22, 2023

    1. Download the City of Avondale General Plan 2030 60-Day Review Draft from the Documents section in the upper right portion of the Avondale General Plan Update page on Avondale Connect.  
    2. Click the blue button labeled, "Leave Review Feedback and Comments" in the Avondale General Plan 2030 60-Day Review Comments Survey 
    3. If this is the first time commenting on Avondale Connect, please fill out the registration form in the box that appears with your information. You will then be directed to the survey to leave your feedback and comments on the 60-Day Review Draft.
    4. Please type in your name, business organization (if applicable), email address, and type all your feedback and comments in the fourth and last box. 
    5. Submit your responses by clicking "Submit" at the bottom of the survey.

    This form is intended to receive individual comments. If you would like to submit any documents or typed statements, please email them directly to Jodie Novak at jnovak@avondaleaz.gov. 

    The General Plan has been updated!

    Share Avondale General Plan 2030 60-Day Review Comments on Facebook Share Avondale General Plan 2030 60-Day Review Comments on Twitter Share Avondale General Plan 2030 60-Day Review Comments on Linkedin Email Avondale General Plan 2030 60-Day Review Comments link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    What matters most?

    These priorities provide a more targeted and explicit approach compared to the wide-ranging values and strategies found in the existing General Plan. This can aid in shaping future objectives, policies, and land use choices. To develop the most effective General Plan for Avondale, it is crucial to understand the subject areas that matter most to you. Please indicate your highest priorities by ranking the topic(s) you are most eager to see come to fruition(1= Highest Priority).

    The General Plan has been updated!

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