City Projects

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The City will use this page to inform and solicit comments on Capital Improvement Projects (construction projects paid for by the city, also known as CIP), provide a forum for citizen input on changes to operations or fees, and to receive feedback and ideas regarding City events.

Follow the link at the project name for more information.

The City will use this page to inform and solicit comments on Capital Improvement Projects (construction projects paid for by the city, also known as CIP), provide a forum for citizen input on changes to operations or fees, and to receive feedback and ideas regarding City events.

Follow the link at the project name for more information.

  • High Activated CrossWalk (HAWK) Signals

    Share High Activated CrossWalk (HAWK) Signals on Facebook Share High Activated CrossWalk (HAWK) Signals on Twitter Share High Activated CrossWalk (HAWK) Signals on Linkedin Email High Activated CrossWalk (HAWK) Signals link

  • Traffic Signal at El Mirage Road and Lower Buckeye

    Share Traffic Signal at El Mirage Road and Lower Buckeye on Facebook Share Traffic Signal at El Mirage Road and Lower Buckeye on Twitter Share Traffic Signal at El Mirage Road and Lower Buckeye on Linkedin Email Traffic Signal at El Mirage Road and Lower Buckeye link

    In November, the city will begin work on a new signalized intersection at El Mirage Road and Lower Buckeye. Follow the link in the title to learn more about this exciting project to enhance traffic safety and efficiency.

  • Fire Station #171 Replacement

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    Fire Station #171 inOld Town Avondale is being replaced with a new fire station. Follow the link above for more information about this exciting project!

  • Old Town Phase III Improvements

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    Old Town Phase III Improvements Project will replace underground water lines, streetlights, and roadways in the Cashion neighborhood, from MC85 to Durango, and from 113th Ave to 111th Ave. The design for this exciting project is completed, and construction will commence with relocation of SW Gas facilities in July and continue through to to April 2025.

  • Pavement Management Program

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    The current roadway network is comprised of approximately 290 centerline miles. It is estimated that the average complete replacement cost for a major roadway is between $5.0-$6.0 million per mile. This indicates a very large amount of funding invested in pavement roadway networks nationwide and specifically within the City. Given the high costs of reconstruction, it is imperative to maintain and extend the life of the existing pavement surface to the maximum extent possible.

    The Avondale Connect portal for Pavement Management has general information about the types of construction activities involved as well as updated information regarding upcoming work areas.

  • Crystal Gardens Sediment Removal Project

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    The city has hired Carollo Engineering to evaluate the Gardens lakes who provided a comprehensive evaluation report in June 2022. Part of the recommended improvements was to dredge approximately 60,000 CY of raw sediment and bio solids which was estimated to be 12,000 CY of drained/ dry sediment and bio solids material from cells 1A, 10A, 8B, and 14B. The project is scheduled early February for a duration of project expands over approximately 32 months to be completed.

  • Civic Center Park

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    Under construction!

    The new Civic Center will convert an empty parcel next to the Civic Center Library into a 4+ acre passive park. Designed as an extension of the library, amenities will include:

    • Seat walls designed to mimic bookends for shaded reading
    • Small, shaded playground
    • Ramada and grill
    • Open turf area
  • Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - Rezone

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Subject: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - amend the following Sections of Chapter 28 - City of Avondale Zoning Ordinance: Application PL-24-0227

    Purpose: The City-initiated amendments will allow for continued refinement of the Zoning Ordinance to reflect changes in state law related to the approval process of residential rezoning applications, provide for cross-references, and address the overall accuracy and usability of the Zoning Ordinance.

    Chapter 28 Zoning Ordinance Revisions

    Summary: The following Sections of Chapter 28 - City of Avondale Zoning Ordinance contain the proposed changes:

    • Article 1 Administration and Procedures: Sections 28-10 Zoning ordinance map amendments (rezoning)

    PURSUANT TO ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES SECTIONS 9-462.04 et seq., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission and City Council will be holding separate public hearings at the dates and times set forth below, in the place specified below, at which times and place all interested persons will have an opportunity to appear and be heard in relation to the following request(s):


    Planning Commission

    City Council

    October 16, 2024, 6:00pm

    Avondale City Hall-Council Chambers

    11465 W. Civic Center Dr.

    Avondale, AZ 85323

    November 18, 2024, 5:30 PM

    Avondale City Hall–Council Chambers

    11465 W. Civic Center Dr.

    Avondale, AZ 85323


    City Staff

    Catherine Lorbeer, AICP

    Deputy Director of Planning

    623-333-4018 link)(External link)(External link)


    City Council held a public hearing and adopted Ordinance 2033-1124, amending the Avondale Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 28, Article 1 (Administration and Procedures), to establish residential rezone review and approval timeframes, and authorize the Mayor or City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents.

  • Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - ADU's

    Share Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - ADU's on Facebook Share Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - ADU's on Twitter Share Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - ADU's on Linkedin Email Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - ADU's link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Subject: Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - amend the following Sections of Chapter 28 - City of Avondale Zoning Ordinance: Application PL-24-0225

    Purpose: The City-initiated amendments will allow for continued refinement of the Zoning Ordinance to reflect changes in state law related to accessory dwelling units (ADUs), provide for cross-references, and address the overall accuracy and usability of the Zoning Ordinance.

    Chapter 28 Zoning Ordinance Revisions

    Summary: The following Sections of Chapter 28 - City of Avondale Zoning Ordinance contain the proposed changes:

    • Article 1 Administration and Procedures: Sections 28-15 Definitions
    • Article 2 Residential District: Sections 28-32 Land Use Matrices, 28-33 Uses permitted with conditions
    • Article 7 Supplementary Regulations, Sections 28-133 Detached accessory buildings
    • Article 8 Parking: Section 28-164 Required parking

    PURSUANT TO ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES SECTIONS 9-462.04 et seq., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission and City Council will be holding separate public hearings at the dates and times set forth below, in the place specified below, at which times and place all interested persons will have an opportunity to appear and be heard in relation to the following request(s):


    Planning Commission

    City Council

    October 16, 2024, 6:00pm

    Avondale City Hall-Council Chambers

    11465 W. Civic Center Dr.

    Avondale, AZ 85323

    November 18, 2024, 5:30 PM

    Avondale City Hall–Council Chambers

    11465 W. Civic Center Dr.

    Avondale, AZ 85323


    City Staff

    Catherine Lorbeer, AICP

    Deputy Director of Planning

    623-333-4018 link)(External link)


    City Council held a public hearing and adopted Ordinance 2032-1124, amending the Avondale Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 28, Article 1 (Administration and Procedures); Article 2 (Residential Districts); Article 7 (Supplementary Regulations); and Article 8 (Parking), related to accessory dwelling units (ADUs), and authorize the Mayor or City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents.

  • Avondale Boulevard Improvements

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    CLOSED: These projects are all complete.

    The City is currently engaged in FOUR projects along Avondale Boulevard between I-10 and Broadway. Follow the links below to learn more:

    1. Waterline Transmission Project (I-10 to Van Buren)

    2. ADA Ramp Upgrades (I-10 to Broadway)

    3. Fiber Optics (Civic Center Drive to El Mirage Road)

    4. Avondale Boulevard Resurfacing Treatment (I-10 to Broadway)

Page last updated: 20 Feb 2025, 03:56 PM